Friday 5 November 2010

Nebraska Humane Society rescues 73 dogs and they all need baths

73 dogs, 73 baths and an awful lot of drying stand grooming! I wouldn't want to be in their shoes over the next few days.  Enjoy another feel good story from us.

Best Wishes
Home Dog Grooming Equipment

Thursday 4 November 2010

Tails wag in this lost-dog story

A great heart warming story another two beagles reunited with their owner after three while weeks! Being a Beagle owner myself I can understand how, when their hunting instinct takes over they go into a world if their own.

Best Wishes
Home Dog Grooming Equipment

Saturday 18 September 2010

Woman fed up with dog's droppings hurls them back

Hello everyone.

Reading this news article, you can understand why don't people have an issue with dogs and dog owners.  It is this type of irresponsible behavior that gives dogs a bad name.  You can't blame the dog for what is a natural function.

Best Wishes

Thursday 16 September 2010

Tips For Keeping Your Aging Dog Healthy - Update


I noticed that there was an issue with the link for this post, so I have copied the article directly in.  It is well worth the read.



Tips For Keeping Your Aging Dog Healthy

from Dog Grooming by Carl Jones

Have you noticed that your dog is beginning to age, and normal every day activities are becoming more and more difficult? If this is the case with your dog, then you’ll be happy to know that there are a number of things you can do to keep him happy and healthy as he goes through the aging process.

First, you have to keep your dog’s weight in check. Obesity is one of the biggest problems with dogs and when your dog is overweight, he can begin to experience other problems like joint pain, diabetes, arthritis, and other issues.

You want to be able to reward your dog with treats, but it is not good to constantly give them to him so keep it to a minimum. Another important tip is to maintain a steady diet for your dog by only giving him or her the amount of food that is needed.

As your dog continues to age you might want to observe him when he is eating. Is he having trouble eating the dry dog food because his teeth aren’t so strong anymore? If this is the case, consider switching to a canned dog food which will be easier for him to eat.

Keep an eye on children when they are around your aging dog because a lot of times children like to feed them whatever they can. This obviously is not helpful when you’re trying to control your dog’s diet so try to prevent this type of activity.

Water is also a very important part of your dog’s every day life and you want to always have plenty of water available for your dog to drink. Consider keeping water in a few areas of the house or outside of the house so that your aging dog can easily get a drink when he wants to.

Take your dog on daily walks. This activity is so important for an aging dog because it helps circulation and can also help the digestion process. Not only that, it helps keep your dog physically fit and may help stretch out sore, aching muscles.

Providing for an aging dog can be a time consuming task, but it is necessary. If you want to keep your aging dog healthy and happy, then keep these few simple tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to providing a wonderful life for your dog.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Bad webpage

It seems that the last article has now been deleted by the site owners. I will research another similar article .


Washing Your Dog Properly

I came across this useful article that I thought you may all enjoy.



Wednesday 18 August 2010

Dog Grooming Clippers - The Essentials

Most among us realize that dog grooming is definitely an essential task and one of several important pieces of equipment are dog grooming clippers. Dog grooming will trim unwanted body hair, making the dog more comfortable, as well as more presentable. Do some research into the sort of trim best suited for your dog. Different breed of dogs require distinct trims, this is something we'll include later on.

You will find there's need to start off at the back along with side of the dog, since this is actually the least delicate part and is a good starting point, which will be less stressful for your dog (and owner). With regards to the types of dog getting groomed, you may want to simply cut down to about half an in . from the skin. A crucial aspect of the dog grooming activity is definitely to look at all over the dog feet. This is the place that will certainly benefit a lot from regular maintenance. The feet accumulate filth and also other waste between the toes and therefore must be cleaned frequently. To help make that task much easier, it is best to continue to keep the hair under control.

Always keeping on top of your dog grooming will certainly help the dog with comfort and ultimately health and fitness. Nothing could be worse for your pet than to overheat during summer months as it's fur is very thick or possibly often be gnawing it's paws most the time because they are full of waste and various other materials.

Utilizing a sharpened set of dog grooming clippers is necessary, and so not as to pull at the dogs coat and so lead to discomfort and stress to the dog. There are a variety of various types of dog grooming clippers, for instance the vacuum dog clipper which pulls in the dog hair and consequently keeps the mess down to a minimum. This is quite helpful for those people that suffer from a dog hair allergy or intolerance. There are cord less dog grooming clippers that will offer convenience and can be quite frequently less costly than mains operated clippers. If you are undertaking this kind of task regularly, look at paying for good top quality dog grooming clippers, for example ConAirpro, Andis and Oyster. All offer professional tools which usually may be used at home. Equipment from these makes tend to be produced with superior components , easier to maintain and so can have a longer life.

Hence most of us will see that Dog Grooming Clippers are an necessary part of Home Dog Grooming Equipment, and therefore should be considered as one of your first purchases.

Dog Grooming Clippers - The Essentials

Most people are aware that dog grooming is an vital exercise and among the important pieces of equipment are dog grooming clippers. Dog grooming will trim surplus body hair, making the dog more comfortable, as well as more presentable. Do your homework in to the sort of cut ideal for your dog. Different dog breeds require different trims, this is certainly something we're going to cover later.

There's a need to start off at the back and side of the dog, as this is the least sensitive region and so is a good place to begin, that should be much easier for the dog (and owner). With regards to the type of dog being groomed, you may want to just trim down to about 1 / 2 an " from the skin. A important portion of the dog grooming activity is definitely to examine around the dog feet. This is definitely the area that will benefit a lot from regular maintenance. The feet gather dirt and other debris between the toes and so ought to be cleaned regularly. To help to make that activity much easier, it is most beneficial to keep the hair under control.

Always keeping on top of your dog grooming will help the pet with comfort and ultimately health and fitness. Nothing could be worse for your pet than to overheat throughout summer months because it's fur is very thick or possibly be gnawing it's feet all of the time because they are full of waste along with other materials.

Dog Grooming Clippers

Utilizing a sharp pair of dog grooming clippers is important, so not as to tug at the dogs fur and as a result lead to discomfort and stress to the dog. There are a selection of different kinds of dog grooming clippers, for instance the vacuum dog clipper which pulls in the dog hair and so helps to keep the mess down to a minimum. This is quite useful for those that suffer through a dog hair allergy or intolerance. There are cord less dog grooming clippers that will provide convenience and are quite often less expensive than mains operated clippers. If you intend to be undertaking this kind of activity often, consider paying for good quality dog grooming clippers, for example ConAirpro, Andis and Oyster. All provide professional tools which often may be used at home. Equipment from these kinds of makes tend to be produced of superior materials , much easier to maintain and so may have a extended life.

Consequently most of us can see that Dog Grooming Clippers will be an necessary part of Home Dog Grooming Equipment, and therefore should be considered as one of your first purchases.